
Hi All,


Thanks for stopping by and I will be grateful if you read through my article! Here is a place that I want to record some of the travel memories and practice English at the same time.

很感謝大家願意來看我這蕭查某寫的東西,這邊主要還是會用英文,因為想說可以練習一下,中文就是附註功能~ 不想大家看到英文就落荒而逃XD..

Nuremberg Toy Fair was my very first biz trip in Europe. I was excited and worried at the same time. Frankly speaking, going with CEO and VP is never a good thing. It was super exhausted. Also, I still had to handle the on gonging cases with Taiwan factory. The jet lag was def. driving people crazy. However, still had some benefits for going with manager level, we had opportunity to experience fancy restaurant. I remembered that year was super cold and snowing, it was like having your hand without groves you will feel the pain after 3 mins.

紐倫堡是我人生第一次歐洲出差,很興奮但也超累人的!! 畢竟跟董字輩程級出門,我看什麼好玩跟豔遇,注定跟我無言,沒回來被說要回去吃自己就不錯,當時還是個新到不行的菜鳥..痾..壓力也真夠大!不過,跟長官出門的優點是可以吃很好(但山珍海味在長官面前...應該都是食不下嚥) 那年到的時候還零下而且下雪,是個沒有手套,手放在外面三分鐘就會凍僵的程度,


The first thing after landing was finding a store to buy Rimowa. CEO also requested Hermes. When we arrived to hotel, it was too early to check in. Therefore, we were like Hotel->Rimowa store->Hotel->Hermes Store->Shopping are->Hotel. Please noted we were just landed Nuremberg and not even had chance to rest a bit. The second day, we went to decorate the booth. Basically, every day is Hotel->Exhibition center->Hotel.

瘋狂轉機之後,到了也一刻不得閒,因為我們到飯店太早還不能進房,長官登高一呼,說要去買R牌行李箱,我的天,我趕緊上網找,有看到有人介紹一間行李箱專賣店,事實證明是對的決定,因為我們要買SPORT,剛好他們有,後來到市區百貨公司,反而沒有賣SPORT,然後買了四咖不好移動,只好又回飯店,再趕著出門買愛馬仕,我跟我同事以瘋,因為我們大概飛了快20小時的經濟艙,水沒喝到,椅子也沒做到,就帶著長官東買西買...挺累人的! 以後誰再說出差爽!!! 你們自己給我出差看看!!! 隔天一早還要布置攤位等等,我就不說了!! 基本上,出差就是飯店-展覽館-飯店...下班,歐洲店也都關光了....


Skip the working part, I will like to introduce the restaurants that I went to and some spots which I think they are cool.


First Restaurant: Barfusser  連鎖德國豬腳餐廳

It's chain store and the food is ok. I couldn't tell it's good or bad at that time. But now, I have to say it was just an ok place.

The sausages tasted good, but the Haxe wasn't that delicious compare to other places that I have tried. However, I think it's a famous place for tourist to go.

頗受觀光團歡迎的! 兩次去都看到不同帶團的人,自釀啤酒好喝~香腸不錯!!紐倫堡的特點香腸蠻推薦~豬腳就還好!


Second Restaurant: La Locanda

A very tranditional Italian restaurant. The owner is from south of Italy. You can all use Italian to resever it and order dishes. We came here with our Italian suppliers. The food was awesome and they serve good wine as well. If you want to taste something other than German food, you can try here. 

必去啊!!! 真是感覺像回到義大利一樣!!打電話訂位,因為我不會德文,他們英文有點弱,所以我全部用義文溝通,果然完全沒問題!老闆是南義人,非常熱情,菜色非常道地!!


Third restaurant: Brawurst Roslein

Me and my coworker wanted to enjoy our last diner in Niremberg. What was the best? No CEO and VP with us!! Haha, we pick a random place via trip advisor and it was pretty good actually.They also produce their own beer and the haxe tasted good. Still a bit too much for us though. The servers were wearing the tranditinal clothes, haha. A relaxing night for us.




I didn't do any homework before this trip, so I just wonder back and forth in down town. The first spot that i noticed is  St. Lorenz-Kirche!  Beautiful church! It's the  Gothic architecture, very diffrent from what I have seen in Italy. I think I like this style better, more dramatic and so much detail on it. However, I have never seen it open. Otherwise, I would really like to visit inside.

如何辨認到達市區,就是認這座聖羅蘭教堂,美翻了!! 但都沒看到他開放過,今年去還是沒開門~不然真的想進去看看!



The scecond one is the Frauenkirche! The famous Christmas market is just at the front plaza! Unfortunately, I was there at the end of Jan and couldn't see the market in person. Hope one day, I can visit the Christmas market. 再來是大名鼎鼎的聖母院,前面的大廣場就是超有名的聖誕市集! 不過,我出差是一月底,所以照片上一陣空虛....希望有機會可以再來一次聖誕遊歐洲了....


Alright! Here comes my favorite spot in Nuremberg! Schöner Brunnen!! A bling bling fountain and as the same  pretty much every  famous fountain has the ''make a wish'' legendFind the golden ring on the  metal fencing and  roll it 3 times  and your wish will come true!! It's real!! Make sure you visit this magical fountain when you come here!!最後就是有求必應的金光光閃閃的噴泉!!當然我跟你說 全世界只要是名勝的噴泉,好像就是能許願 哈哈哈 不信你們自己想想! 不過,我認真說它真的有準啦!!下次你們如果來去匆匆,記得還是要來這裡摸一下金色銅環轉三圈,許個願!!



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